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Overdose Prevention Site Mural Project

Gabriela Lech
Year: 2022
  • Mural
  • Paint
Status: In Place


This mural on a building wall features three large central figures back-to-back, with their eyes closed. The background features a montage of different elements, including mountains and a sunrise, trees, flowers and foliage, and flying eagles. It is a community collaboration to signify the trauma of the toxic drug crisis and to share an image of healing.

Artist Statement

The idea for this mural was inspired by Sea to Sky Community Action Team member Sarah Jane Thompson, 1994-2020. Sarah was a friend and fierce advocate who imagined a world full of hope and free from stigma. The mural is dedicated to all those in our community whom we have lost to the toxic drug crisis and to those who are struggling. We continue to fight against stigma and to foster healing. With the Community Action Team at Under One Roof, we sought input from folks with lived experience to see how they could honour those who have been lost – and those still struggling – from the opioid crisis. What we gathered from these conversations is that, overall, people want to see an image of healing. This concept of healing came up over and over again.When asked what healing means for people, all sorts of imagery arose: “Cedar as medicine.” “Birds- to represent loved ones that have passed flying over us.” “An eagle. I read a poem about eagles at my daughter’s funeral, who I lost to an overdose.” “A sunrise, to symbolize hope for tomorrow.” “Something spiritual, bigger than ourselves, but not religious.” “Poppy – for both opium and remembrance. And that these plants aren’t innately evil, yet have been demonized through our failing systems.” “Indigenous medicinal plants to our area that have been been healing our people for ages.” “Mountains – they make me feel peaceful.” “Family – we must stick together in the hard times. Gotta have community.” We took note of this imagery, and designed the mural viewers see today. “

Gabriela Lech is a self-taught artist residing in Squamish, BC. With a creative journey that began at the age of 3, she has explored various artistic pursuits over the years but consistently returns to art as her deepest and most intuitive form of expression. The pandemic sparked a period of artistic growth for Gabriela, inspiring her to utilize bright, hopeful colors as an antidote to the challenges of lockdown and isolation.


37930, 3 Avenue, Squamish, British Columbia, V8B 0R2, Canada.

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