Home / Artwork / Library Donor Recognition Wall

Library Donor Recognition Wall

Frances Solar
Year: 2002
  • Decorative
  • Copper
  • Metal
Status: In Place


Reminiscent of a tapestry, however created in woven metal, predominantly copper with some other types of metal woven throughout, the Donor Recognition Wall features several panels of different designs and decorations.

The artwork recognizes groups, businesses, and people who made major contributions toward the furnishings and other internal needs of the new library when it opened in 1997. The taxpayers supplied the building, however many other things go into making the library a comfortable and welcoming place for all its members. Local artist, Frances Solar, created woven sculptural forms to name these donors and honour their contributions.

Frances Solar is a traditional weaver & textile artist. She began working with copper since its warm colour always attracted her. Copper wire is easily available in many colours and, just like traditional fibers, it is flexible, can be manipulated, and patinated. She now has more freedom to design and improvise on the loom as she weaves & the resulting wire cloth can be shaped into a sculptural form that has no real function other than being something beautiful with wonderful colours and textures. She names them ‘vessels’ rather than ‘baskets’ as the latter word implies a function.


37907, 2 Avenue, Squamish, British Columbia, V8B 0A7, Canada.

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