Home / Artwork / Happy Bins

Happy Bins

Maud van Baar de Knegt
Year: 2023
  • Mural
  • Paint
Status: In Place


For the 2023 Mural Walk, Maud painted a series of four District of Squamish-owned permanent garbage bins to brighten these functional elements in Stan Clark and Junction Parks. The bins are painted in bright colours, depicting figures in movement, along with floral and nature elements.

Artist Statement

The ‘Happy Bins’ bring an element of surprise and joy to downtown Squamish. Four ordinary garbage bins underwent a metamorphosis, now serving as gateways to a colourful universe of abstracted human beings and whimsical botanicals. The animated figures are alive with motion, dancing, leaping, and embracing the moment – a tribute to Squamish’s active lifestyle. Each brushstroke celebrates the community’s vibrant charm, inviting passersby to pause and uncover moments of delight where they least expect it.”

Maud van Baar de Knegt is a mixed-media artist from Amsterdam. Having called Vietnam, Canada, Spain, and the Netherlands home, Maud draws inspiration from her diverse cultural experiences. Maud completed her Liberal Arts & Sciences bachelor in the Canadian mountains and attended a fine arts program in Barcelona. Today, Maud is delving deep into the world of textile art at Gerrit Rietveld Academie.

Maud works with a diverse array of mediums, including textile, murals, sculpture, installation, collage, and painting. Her intuitive creations are a vibrant burst of color and energy, frequently incorporating discarded and upcycled materials. Her mixed media pieces explore questions of individual and social identity, emphasizing the human yearning for connection. Through her art, Maud strives to create playful, vibrant worlds – alternative universes that celebrate fluidity and inclusivity.


37947, Cleveland Avenue, Squamish, British Columbia, V8B, Canada.

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